Final Games

Having limited time to follow professional Go events? These are the most important games to watch.

Date Tournament Black White Result
[1989-12-27] 14th Korean Kiwang, title match #2 Seo Bongsoo   Cho Hunhyun   W+R
[1989-12-23] 29th Korean Choegowi, title match #2 Cho Hunhyun   Lee Changho   B+R
[1989-12-22] 15th Japanese Tengen, title match #5 Rin Kaiho   Cho Chikun   B+R
[1989-12-20] 14th Korean Kiwang, title match #1 Cho Hunhyun   Seo Bongsoo   W+21.5
[1989-12-16] 7th Korean Taewang, title match #1 Yoo Changhyuk   Cho Hunhyun   W+4.5
[1989-12-15] 15th Japanese Tengen, title match #4 Cho Chikun   Rin Kaiho   W+R
[1989-12-13] 1st Korean Kiseong, final 3 Cho Hunhyun   Yoo Changhyuk   W+2.5
[1989-12-12] 11th Chinese New Physical Education Cup, title match #3 Nie Weiping   Yu Bin   B+R
[1989-12-11] 29th Korean Choegowi, title match #1 Lee Changho   Cho Hunhyun   B+6.5
[1989-12-08] 15th Japanese Tengen, title match #3 Rin Kaiho   Cho Chikun   W+R
[1989-12-06] 25th Korean Paewang, title match #1 Cho Hunhyun   Oh Kyuchul   B+R
[1989-11-30] 33rd Kansai-Kiin 1st Place, final 3 Imamura Toshiya   Tono Hiroaki   W+8.5
[1989-11-28] 37th Japanese Oza, title match #4 Kato Masao   Hane Yasumasa   B+7.5
[1989-11-24] 8th Japanese Female Honinbo, title match #2 Ogawa Tomoko   Kusunoki Teruko   W+3.5
[1989-11-24] 15th Japanese Tengen, title match #2 Cho Chikun   Rin Kaiho   W+R
[1989-11-18] 1st Korean Kiseong, final 2 Yoo Changhyuk   Cho Hunhyun   W+R
[1989-11-16] 33rd Kansai-Kiin 1st Place, final 2 Tono Hiroaki   Imamura Toshiya   B+R
[1989-11-15] 37th Japanese Oza, title match #3 Hane Yasumasa   Kato Masao   W+R
[1989-11-14] 1st Korean Kiseong, final 1 Cho Hunhyun   Yoo Changhyuk   W+3.5
[1989-11-12] 11th Chinese New Physical Education Cup, title match #2 Yu Bin   Nie Weiping   W+2.5
[1989-11-10] 15th Japanese Tengen, title match #1 Rin Kaiho   Cho Chikun   W+R
[1989-11-09] 33rd Kansai-Kiin 1st Place, final 1 Imamura Toshiya   Tono Hiroaki   B+R
[1989-11-09] 11th Chinese New Physical Education Cup, title match #1 Nie Weiping   Yu Bin   B+R
[1989-11-09] 8th Japanese Female Honinbo, title match #1 Kusunoki Teruko   Ogawa Tomoko   B+10.5
[1989-11-09] 30th Japanese Okan, title match Ogata Masaki   Iwata Tatsuaki   B+1.5
[1989-11-08] 33rd Korean Kuksu, title match #4 Lee Changho   Cho Hunhyun   W+R
[1989-11-01] 2nd Chinese Mingren, title match #3 Ma Xiaochun   Liu Xiaoguang   B+1.5
[1989-11-01] 33rd Korean Kuksu, title match #3 Cho Hunhyun   Lee Changho   W+0.5
[1989-11-01] 14th Japanese Meijin, title match #5 Kobayashi Koichi   Awaji Shuzo   B+R
[1989-10-30] 2nd Chinese Mingren, title match #2 Liu Xiaoguang   Ma Xiaochun   W+R
[1989-10-28] 2nd Chinese Mingren, title match #1 Ma Xiaochun   Liu Xiaoguang   B+9.5
[1989-10-27] 20th Korean Myeongin, title match #3 Cho Hunhyun   Seo Bongsoo   B+R
[1989-10-25] 37th Japanese Oza, title match #2 Kato Masao   Hane Yasumasa   B+2.5
[1989-10-22] 22nd Japanese Hayago Championship, final Kato Masao   Takemiya Masaki   W+1.5
[1989-10-20] 1st Tongyang Securities Cup, final 4 Yang Jaeho   Chang Suyeong   B+R
[1989-10-18] 14th Japanese Meijin, title match #4 Awaji Shuzo   Kobayashi Koichi   W+2.5
[1989-10-15] 3rd Chinese Best Ten, final Nie Weiping   Ma Xiaochun   B+R
[1989-10-13] 37th Japanese Oza, title match #1 Hane Yasumasa   Kato Masao   B+0.5
[1989-10-12] 33rd Korean Kuksu, title match #2 Lee Changho   Cho Hunhyun   W+R
[1989-10-10] 20th Korean Myeongin, title match #2 Seo Bongsoo   Cho Hunhyun   W+R
[1989-10-07] 2nd Japanese IBM Hayago Open, final Ishida Yoshio   Otake Hideo   W+2.5
[1989-10-07] 1st Tongyang Securities Cup, final 3 Chang Suyeong   Yang Jaeho   B+4.5
[1989-10-04] 20th Korean Myeongin, title match #1 Cho Hunhyun   Seo Bongsoo   B+5.5
[1989-10-04] 14th Japanese Meijin, title match #3 Kobayashi Koichi   Awaji Shuzo   B+3.5
[1989-09-27] 14th Japanese Meijin, title match #2 Awaji Shuzo   Kobayashi Koichi   W+R
[1989-09-27] 33rd Korean Kuksu, title match #1 Cho Hunhyun   Lee Changho   B+6.5
[1989-09-20] 1st Tongyang Securities Cup, final 2 Yang Jaeho   Chang Suyeong   B+R
[1989-09-18] 1st Tongyang Securities Cup, final 1 Chang Suyeong   Yang Jaeho   W+2.5
[1989-09-14] 14th Japanese Meijin, title match #1 Kobayashi Koichi   Awaji Shuzo   W+3.5
[1989-09-11] 14th Japanese Shinjin O, final 2 Yoda Norimoto   Izumitani Hideo   B+0.5
[1989-09-08] 11th Japanese Female Kakusei, final Ogawa Tomoko   Kobayashi Chizu   W+6.5
[1989-09-05] 1st Ing Cup, final 5 Cho Hunhyun   Nie Weiping   B+R
[1989-09-02] 1st Ing Cup, final 4 Cho Hunhyun   Nie Weiping   B+1
[1989-08-28] 14th Japanese Shinjin O, final 1 Izumitani Hideo   Yoda Norimoto   W+5.5
[1989-08-12] 1st Asian TV Cup, final Takemiya Masaki   Kobayashi Satoru   B+R
[1989-08-11] 14th Japanese Gosei, title match #4 Kobayashi Koichi   Imamura Toshiya   B+R
[1989-08-08] 8th Korean KBS Cup, final 2 Lee Changho   Kim Soojang   B+9.5
[1989-08-05] 2nd Fujitsu Cup, final Takemiya Masaki   Rin Kaiho   B+R
[1989-07-28] 14th Japanese Gosei, title match #3 Imamura Toshiya   Kobayashi Koichi   W+3.5
[1989-07-25] 8th Korean KBS Cup, final 1 Kim Soojang   Lee Changho   W+5.5
[1989-07-18] 14th Japanese Gosei, title match #2 Kobayashi Koichi   Imamura Toshiya   B+R
[1989-07-18] 14th Korean Kukgi, title match #5 Seo Bongsoo   Cho Hunhyun   B+4.5
[1989-07-07] 14th Japanese Gosei, title match #1 Imamura Toshiya   Kobayashi Koichi   B+4.5
[1989-07-06] 14th Korean Kukgi, title match #4 Seo Bongsoo   Cho Hunhyun   W+0.5
[1989-06-27] 6th Korean Bacchus Cup, final 3 Chang Suyeong   Cho Hunhyun   W+R
[1989-06-23] 14th Korean Kukgi, title match #3 Cho Hunhyun   Seo Bongsoo   W+3.5
[1989-06-17] 6th Korean Bacchus Cup, final 2 Cho Hunhyun   Chang Suyeong   B+R
[1989-06-15] 44th Japanese Honinbo, title match #4 Takemiya Masaki   Cho Chikun   W+R
[1989-06-14] 14th Korean Kukgi, title match #2 Seo Bongsoo   Cho Hunhyun   B+1.5
[1989-06-12] 1st Chinese Qiwang, final 3 Qian Yuping   Yu Bin   B+1
[1989-06-08] 14th Korean Kukgi, title match #1 Cho Hunhyun   Seo Bongsoo   B+6.5
[1989-06-07] 44th Japanese Honinbo, title match #3 Cho Chikun   Takemiya Masaki   B+R
[1989-05-29] 44th Japanese Honinbo, title match #2 Takemiya Masaki   Cho Chikun   W+R
[1989-05-29] 6th Korean Bacchus Cup, final 1 Chang Suyeong   Cho Hunhyun   W+0.5
[1989-05-27] 4th Korean New King, final 3 Im Seongkeun   Yang Jaeho   B+0.5
[1989-05-27] 1st Chinese CCTV Cup, final Nie Weiping   Ma Xiaochun   W+0.5
[1989-05-18] 4th Korean New King, final 2 Yang Jaeho   Im Seongkeun   B+R
[1989-05-15] 23rd Korean Wangwi, title match #7 Cho Hunhyun   Seo Bongsoo   B+8.5
[1989-05-12] 44th Japanese Honinbo, title match #1 Cho Chikun   Takemiya Masaki   B+R
[1989-05-09] 23rd Korean Wangwi, title match #6 Seo Bongsoo   Cho Hunhyun   B+1.5
[1989-05-08] 4th Korean New King, final 1 Im Seongkeun   Yang Jaeho   B+R
[1989-05-02] 1st Ing Cup, final 3 Nie Weiping   Cho Hunhyun   B+3
[1989-04-28] 1st Ing Cup, final 2 Cho Hunhyun   Nie Weiping   W+9
[1989-04-25] 1st Ing Cup, final 1 Nie Weiping   Cho Hunhyun   W+3
[1989-04-17] 7th Korean MBC Emperor, final 1 Cho Hunhyun   Seo Bongsoo   B+R
[1989-04-17] 7th Korean MBC Emperor, final 2 Seo Bongsoo   Cho Hunhyun   W+R
[1989-04-13] 23rd Korean Wangwi, title match #5 Cho Hunhyun   Seo Bongsoo   B+6.5
[1989-04-06] 27th Japanese Judan, title match #3 Rin Kaiho   Cho Chikun   W+R
[1989-04-06] 23rd Korean Wangwi, title match #4 Seo Bongsoo   Cho Hunhyun   B+4.5
[1989-03-26] 19th Japanese Shinei Tournament, final Komatsu Hideki   Ogata Masaki   B+R
[1989-03-24] 27th Japanese Judan, title match #2 Cho Chikun   Rin Kaiho   B+6.5
[1989-03-18] 36th Japanese NHK Cup, final Takemiya Masaki   Kobayashi Satoru   B+R
[1989-03-17] 23rd Korean Wangwi, title match #3 Cho Hunhyun   Seo Bongsoo   W+R
[1989-03-14] 23rd Korean Wangwi, title match #2 Seo Bongsoo   Cho Hunhyun   W+8.5
[1989-03-12] 1st Chinese Qiwang, final 2 Yu Bin   Qian Yuping   W+R
[1989-03-11] 8th Japanese NEC Cup, final Otake Hideo   Ishida Yoshio   B+5.5
[1989-03-11] 4th Japanese NEC Shunei, final Yoda Norimoto   O Meien   W+5.5
[1989-03-10] 3rd Chinese Tianyuan, title match #5 Liu Xiaoguang   Jiang Zhujiu   B+R
[1989-03-10] 1st Chinese Qiwang, final 1 Qian Yuping   Yu Bin   B+3
[1989-03-07] 3rd Chinese Tianyuan, title match #4 Jiang Zhujiu   Liu Xiaoguang   B+R
[1989-03-07] 27th Japanese Judan, title match #1 Rin Kaiho   Cho Chikun   W+R
[1989-03-05] 3rd Chinese Tianyuan, title match #3 Liu Xiaoguang   Jiang Zhujiu   W+R
[1989-03-03] 23rd Korean Wangwi, title match #1 Cho Hunhyun   Seo Bongsoo   B+0.5
[1989-03-02] 3rd Chinese Tianyuan, title match #2 Jiang Zhujiu   Liu Xiaoguang   W+2.5
[1989-03-01] 13th Japanese Kisei, title match #5 Kobayashi Koichi   Takemiya Masaki   B+3.5
[1989-02-28] 3rd Chinese Tianyuan, title match #1 Liu Xiaoguang   Jiang Zhujiu   B+R
[1989-02-23] 10th Chinese New Physical Education Cup, title match #5 Yu Bin   Nie Weiping   W+2.5
[1989-02-22] 13th Japanese Kisei, title match #4 Takemiya Masaki   Kobayashi Koichi   W+6.5
[1989-02-08] 13th Japanese Kisei, title match #3 Kobayashi Koichi   Takemiya Masaki   B+R
[1989-02-02] 24th Korean Paewang, title match #3 Cho Hunhyun   Lee Changho   B+R
[1989-02-01] 13th Japanese Kisei, title match #2 Takemiya Masaki   Kobayashi Koichi   W+R
[1989-01-26] 28th Korean Choegowi, title match #4 Cho Hunhyun   Lee Changho   B+6.5
[1989-01-25] 11th Japanese Kakusei, final O Rissei   Hashimoto Shoji   B+R
[1989-01-19] 24th Korean Paewang, title match #2 Lee Changho   Cho Hunhyun   W+0.5
[1989-01-18] 13th Japanese Kisei, title match #1 Kobayashi Koichi   Takemiya Masaki   W+R
[1989-01-13] 10th Chinese New Physical Education Cup, title match #4 Nie Weiping   Yu Bin   B+7.5
[1989-01-12] 28th Korean Choegowi, title match #3 Lee Changho   Cho Hunhyun   B+0.5
[1989-01-11] 10th Chinese New Physical Education Cup, title match #3 Yu Bin   Nie Weiping   W+6.5
[1989-01-06] 24th Korean Paewang, title match #1 Cho Hunhyun   Lee Changho   B+R
[1989-01-04] 28th Korean Choegowi, title match #2 Cho Hunhyun   Lee Changho   B+8.5
[1989-01-02] 10th Chinese New Physical Education Cup, title match #2 Nie Weiping   Yu Bin   W+R