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All you need to know about Carpenter's Square - 10

Diagram 10.1: White to play

Black has no external liberties but hanes at both sides. Can white do anything?

All you need to know about Carpenter's Square - 9

Diagram 9.1: White to play

We will now consider the Carpenter's corner with one extra liberty as well as one first-line stone.

All you need to know about Carpenter's Square - 8

Diagram 8.1: White to play

All you need to know about Carpenter's Square - 7

Diagram 7.1: White to play

Black has one extra stone at Black square . Does it help?

All you need to know about Carpenter's Square - 6

Diagram 6.1: Alternative attack

All you need to know about Carpenter's Square - 5

Diagram 5.1: Another tricky move

All you need to know about Carpenter's Square - 4

Diagram 4.1: Tricky move

White has the option to hane from the 1st line. Black needs to be very careful not to get tricked.

All you need to know about Carpenter's Square - 3

Diagram 3.1: White to play

Following the previous article, we will discuss alternative ways for white to attack the corner.

All you need to know about Carpenter's Square - 2

Diagram 2.1: White to play

All you need to know about Carpenter's Square - 1

Diagram 1.1: White to play
