Lil help for returning player

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Lil help for returning player

Hello all!

First of all I wanted to to thanks for all help I can get here Smile

Like I wrote in subject Im returning player, coming back after 4 years of break was around 3k egf that time.
Recently I see a lot of changes in play on pro arena and ama, and even KGS gettin less strong players than it used to. They swithed to Tygem prolly like my friend said.

I have 4 guestions.

1. I wish to switch my style to terytorial one, but I would Love to study games of pro player other than Cho Chikun, Cho U, Kobayashi Koichi or Kitani Minoru, I prefer rather Chinese or Korean pros, any ideas on few of them?

2. Any advices on what to study while returning? some books ideas?

3. How to slow down with gameplaye?

4. What make u guys more concentrated on game? music, or short of idea/techniqe u got for it?


Territory-oridented players

To answer your question 1, one name popping up to my mind is Chen Yaoye, who extremely enjoys having solid territory. Having said that, strong players can play in any style so it is not uncommon to see Chen being on the other side. Here is the link the him games:

thanks! will take care of him

thanks! will take care of him from now ^^"

about question 2

All pro players with territorial style are great at invading and reducting. I think you can find this kind of books easily

avysk's picture gives you gives you some player names after you take the test. Not necessarily they'll be territorial players, of course, but maybe worth trying.