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Games played by Kim Jinwoo
Total: 18; won: 5; winning percentage: 27.8%

  Game Date and Game Description
Black White Result Replay Download Print
  [2009-12-02]  Year 2009 Asian New Stars Match, round 3
Kim Jinwoo 4p Guo Wenchao 5p W+R
  [2009-12-01]  Year 2009 Asian New Stars Match, round 2
Rin Kanketsu 6p Kim Jinwoo 4p W+R
  [2009-11-30]  Year 2009 Asian New Stars Match, round 1
Kim Jinwoo 4p Zhang Yuanrong 1p B+R
  [2007-11-13]  18th Korean Shinin-Wang (Old), round 1
Kim Jinwoo 3p Kim Jiseok 4p W+R
  [2006-12-11]  17th Korean Shinin-Wang (Old), round 1
Kim Jinwoo 3p Park Seunghwa 1p W+R
  [2006-05-15]  3rd Korean King of Kings, round 2
Cho Hyeyeon 7p Kim Jinwoo 2p B+3.5
  [2006-04-28]  11th LG Cup, preliminary
So Yokoku 8p Kim Jinwoo 2p B+R
  [2006-03-28]  3rd Korean King of Kings, round 1
Kim Jinwoo 2p Jeong Dongsik 5p B+27.5
  [2006-03-27]  25th Korean KBS Cup, winner section round 2
Kim Jinwoo 2p Lee Jaeung 4p W+R
  [2006-01-13]  3rd Korean King of Kings, preliminary
Yun Junsang 4p Kim Jinwoo 2p B+R
  [2005-11-03]  Year 2005 Korean League
Kim Yeonghwan 7p Kim Jinwoo 2p B+R
  [2005-10-20]  Year 2005 Korean League
Kim Jinwoo 1p Jiang Zhujiu 9p B+2.5
  [2005-09-22]  Year 2005 Korean League
Kim Jinwoo 1p Son Geungi 2p W+4.5
  [2005-08-25]  Year 2005 Korean League
Park Shiun 6p Kim Jinwoo 1p W+3.5
  [2005-07-21]  Year 2005 Korean League
Kim Jinwoo 1p Seo Musang 5p W+R
  [2005-06-23]  Year 2005 Korean League
Kim Jinwoo 1p Lee Jungwoo 5p W+R
  [2005-05-26]  Year 2005 Korean League
Jin Donggyu 2p Kim Jinwoo 1p B+R
  [2005-04-25]  5th Korean Osram Cup New Star, game 2
Kim Jinwoo 4p Hong Seongji 4p W+3.5