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  Game Date and Game Description
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  [2006-05-23]  6th Korean Osram Cup New Star, game 7
Park Cheongsang 6p Jin Donggyu 3p B+R
  [2006-05-23]  5th Taiwan Tianyuan, league
Chen Shiyuan 5p Peng Jinghua 6p B+R
  [2006-05-23]  1st Taiwan Wangzuo, title match #1
Lin Zhihan 7p Zhou Junxun 9p B+6.5
  [2006-05-23]  5th Taiwan Tianyuan, league
Lin Shuyang 3p Xia Daming 4p W+R
  [2006-05-22]  3rd Korean King of Kings, round 2
Choi Kyubyeong 9p Lee Sedol 9p B+7.5
  [2006-05-22]  3rd Chinese Sports Congress
Peng Quan 6p Chen Yaoye 5p W+R
  [2006-05-22]  3rd Chinese Sports Congress
Piao Wenyao 4p Xie He 6p W+R
  [2006-05-22]  3rd Chinese Sports Congress
Zheng Yan 2p Meng Zhaoyu 2p W+R
  [2006-05-22]  3rd Chinese Sports Congress
Piao Wenyao 4p Chang Hao 9p B+R
  [2006-05-22]  3rd Chinese Sports Congress
Peng Quan 6p Gu Lingyi 3p B+1.5
  [2006-05-22]  3rd Chinese Sports Congress
Xie He 6p Tuo Jiaxi 3p B+R
  [2006-05-22]   50th Anniversary of Korean Kuksu Tournament, round 1
Rui Naiwei 9p Kim In 9p B+R
  [2006-05-22]   50th Anniversary of Korean Kuksu Tournament, round 1
Yun Kihyeon 9p Cho Hunhyun 9p W+R
  [2006-05-22]   50th Anniversary of Korean Kuksu Tournament, round 1
Ha Chanseok 9p Seo Bongsoo 9p W+R
  [2006-05-22]   50th Anniversary of Korean Kuksu Tournament, round 1
Choi Cheolhan 9p Lee Changho 9p W+1.5
  [2006-05-22]   50th Anniversary of Korean Kuksu Tournament, round 2
Seo Bongsoo 9p Rui Naiwei 9p B+2.5
  [2006-05-22]   50th Anniversary of Korean Kuksu Tournament, round 2
Cho Hunhyun 9p Lee Changho 9p B+R
  [2006-05-22]  45th Japanese Judan, winner section round 1
Cho U 9p Takao Shinji 9p B+R
  [2006-05-22]  31st Japanese Shinjin O, round 2
Kubota Masaru 2p Iyama Yuta 7p W+R
  [2006-05-21]  54th Japanese NHK Cup, round 1
Imamura Yoshiaki 8p Honda Kunihisa 9p W+6.5
  [2006-05-21]  Year 2006 Korean League
Park Cheongsang 5p Rui Naiwei 9p B+R
  [2006-05-21]  Year 2006 Korean League
Mok Jinseok 9p Lee Jaeung 4p W+R
  [2006-05-20]  26th Japanese NEC Cup, round 1
Kono Rin 8p Ogata Masaki 9p B+R
  [2006-05-20]  26th Japanese NEC Cup, round 1
Mimura Tomoyasu 9p Cho Chikun 9p W+R
  [2006-05-20]  Year 2006 Korean League
Choi Wongyong 4p Kim Seungjun 9p W+R
  [2006-05-20]  Year 2006 Korean League
An Joyeong 9p Choi Cheolhan 9p W+R
  [2006-05-20]  5th Taiwan Tianyuan, league
Zhou Yinnan 3p Xia Daming 4p B+R
  [2006-05-20]  5th Taiwan Tianyuan, preliminary
Yoo Kyeongmin 5p Chen Yida 3p B+R
  [2006-05-19]  16th Korean Shinin-Wang (Old), final 2
Weon Seongjin 7p Heo Yongho 5p W+5.5
  [2006-05-19]  2nd Korean Prices Information Cup, league A
Park Yeonghun 9p Kim Myeongwan 7p B+R
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