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  Game Date and Game Description
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  [2004-07-22]  43rd Japanese Judan, loser section round 1
Kato Masao 9p Yamashita Keigo 9p W+3.5
  [2004-07-22]  43rd Japanese Judan, winner section round 2
O Meien 9p Mimura Tomoyasu 9p W+R
  [2004-07-22]  29th Japanese Kisei, league B
Kobayashi Satoru 9p O Rissei 9p B+R
  [2004-07-22]  2nd Toyota Cup, Japanese preliminary
Yuki Satoshi 9p Nakamura Shinya 8p B+R
  [2004-07-22]  1st Japanese Nakano Cup (U20), final
Ohashi Hirofumi 3p Seto Taiki 6p W+R
  [2004-07-22]  17th Japanese Female Meijin, winner section round 2
Yoshida Mika 8p Konishi Kazuko 8p B+R
  [2004-07-21]  4th Korean Osram Cup New Star
Lee Huiseong 5p Lee Hyeonwuk 5p B+R
  [2004-07-21]  4th Korean Osram Cup New Star
Lee Huiseong 5p Cho Hyeyeon 5p B+R
  [2004-07-20]  38th Korean Wangwi, title match #2
Lee Sedol 9p Lee Changho 9p W+R
  [2004-07-20]  1st Korean King of Kings, round 1
Song Taekon 7p Park Yeonghun 9p B+R
  [2004-07-20]  48th Korean Kuksu, winner section round 1
Cho Hunhyun 9p Yun Junsang 2p W+R
  [2004-07-19]  6th Korean Female Myeongin, loser section round 1
Kang Seunghee 2p Lee Jihyun 3p W+10.5
  [2004-07-19]  48th Korean Kuksu, winner section round 1
Jiang Zhujiu 9p Yoo Changhyuk 9p W+R
  [2004-07-19]  4th Korean Osram Cup New Star
Kim Hyeongwan 2p Park Cheongsang 4p B+R
  [2004-07-19]  4th Korean Osram Cup New Star
Lee Huiseong 5p Kim Hyeongwan 2p B+R
  [2004-07-18]  52nd Japanese NHK Cup, round 1
Katayama Yasuo 8p Yamashiro Hiroshi 9p W+R
  [2004-07-18]  Year 2004 Korean League
Cho Hunhyun 9p Choi Cheolhan 8p W+R
  [2004-07-17]  Year 2004 Korean League
Heo Yongho 3p Rui Naiwei 9p W+4.5
  [2004-07-17]  2nd Japanese JAL Super HayaGo, round 2
Cho U 9p Kato Masao 9p W+R
  [2004-07-16]  38th Korean Wangwi, title match #1
Lee Changho 9p Lee Sedol 9p W+3.5
  [2004-07-16]  Year 2004 Korean League
Park Seunghyeon 4p Kim Seungjun 8p B+R
  [2004-07-15]  29th Japanese Gosei, title match #2
Yamada Kimio 8p Yoda Norimoto 9p W+R
  [2004-07-15]  1st Korean King of Kings, round 1
Kim Juho 4p Kim Yeongsam 5p B+R
  [2004-07-15]  Year 2004 Korean League
Yang Jaeho 9p Jiang Zhujiu 9p W+R
  [2004-07-15]  30th Japanese Tengen, round 3
Kono Rin 7p Yamashita Keigo 9p W+R
  [2004-07-15]  30th Japanese Tengen, round 3
Kataoka Satoshi 9p Kato Masao 9p W+R
  [2004-07-15]  17th Japanese Female Meijin, winner section round 2
Makihata Taeko 2p Yashiro Kumiko 5p W+R
  [2004-07-15]  11th Japanese Agon Cup, round 1
Oya Koichi 9p O Rissei 9p W+1.5
  [2004-07-14]  15th Korean Shinin-Wang (Old)
Cho Hyeyeon 5p Park Seunghyeon 4p B+4.5
  [2004-07-14]  4th Korean Osram Cup New Star
Kim Donghee 1p Park Cheongsang 4p W+10.5
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