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  Game Date and Game Description
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  [2004-06-24]  59th Japanese Honinbo, title match #5
Yoda Norimoto 9p Cho U 9p B+R
  [2004-06-24]  Year 2004 Korean League
Yoo Kyeongmin 4p Hong Minpyo 3p B+R
  [2004-06-24]  43rd Japanese Judan, winner section round 1
Kobayashi Izumi 6p O Meien 9p W+R
  [2004-06-24]  52nd Japanese Oza, round 2
Hane Naoki 9p O Rissei 9p B+0.5
  [2004-06-24]  30th Japanese Tengen, round 2
Komatsu Hideki 9p Yamashita Keigo 9p W+R
  [2004-06-24]  30th Japanese Tengen, round 3
Cho Chikun 9p So Yokoku 7p B+7.5
  [2004-06-24]  2nd Toyota Cup, Japanese preliminary
Sakai Hideyuki 6p Ogata Masaki 9p B+R
  [2004-06-24]  6th Japanese Female Strongest, round 2
Yoshida Mika 8p Kim Hyunjong 3p W+R
  [2004-06-23]  4th Korean Osram Cup New Star
Yun Junsang 2p Heo Yongho 3p W+R
  [2004-06-23]  4th Korean Osram Cup New Star
Ju Hyeongwuk 3p Heo Yongho 3p W+7.5
  [2004-06-23]  38th Korean Wangwi, league
Cho Hanseung 7p An Dalhun 5p W+3.5
  [2004-06-22]  17th Chinese Mingren, semi-final
Nie Weiping 9p Shao Weigang 9p B+R
  [2004-06-22]  17th Chinese Mingren, semi-final
Yu Bin 9p Gu Li 7p W+8.5
  [2004-06-22]  38th Korean Wangwi, league
Cho Hunhyun 9p An Joyeong 8p W+1.5
  [2004-06-22]  1st Korean King of Kings, dragon group final
Hong Seongji 3p Choi Cheolhan 8p W+10.5
  [2004-06-21]  38th Korean Wangwi, league
Yoo Changhyuk 9p Kim Kangkeun 4p W+2.5
  [2004-06-21]  8th Korean Fresh Best 10, league B
Kim Daeyoung 2p Cho Hyeyeon 5p W+1.5
  [2004-06-21]  24th Japanese NEC Cup, round 1
Mimura Tomoyasu 9p Cho Chikun 9p B+1.5
  [2004-06-21]  1st Korean King of Kings, phoenix group final
Cho Hunhyun 9p Park Jongyoel 4p B+R
  [2004-06-21]  29th Japanese Kisei, league B
Cho U 9p Kobayashi Satoru 9p W+R
  [2004-06-20]  17th Chinese Mingren, round 3
Luo Xihe 9p Gu Li 7p W+R
  [2004-06-20]  17th Chinese Mingren, round 3
Liu Shizhen 6p Nie Weiping 9p W+2.5
  [2004-06-20]  17th Chinese Mingren, round 3
Wang Lei (b) 8p Shao Weigang 9p W+R
  [2004-06-20]  17th Chinese Mingren, round 3
Peng Quan 5p Yu Bin 9p W+R
  [2004-06-20]  52nd Japanese NHK Cup, round 1
Kiyonari Tetsuya 9p Takemiya Masaki 9p W+16.5
  [2004-06-18]  38th Korean Wangwi, league
An Dalhun 5p Kim Kangkeun 4p B+R
  [2004-06-18]  23rd Korean KBS Cup, winner section semi-final
Choi Cheolhan 8p Lee Changho 9p W+R
  [2004-06-17]  6th Chinese League A, round 9
Lin Feng 5p Huang Yizhong 6p B+R
  [2004-06-17]  6th Chinese League A, round 9
Xie He 5p Wang Yang 5p B+R
  [2004-06-17]  6th Chinese League A, round 9
Chen Yaoye 3p Ma Xiaochun 9p B+1.5
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