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  Game Date and Game Description
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  [2003-04-21]  8th Korean LG Cup, round 1
Paek Seongho 9p Choi Myeonghun 8p W+R
  [2003-04-21]  37th Korean Wangwi, league
An Joyeong 7p Cho Hunhyun 9p W+R
  [2003-04-21]  37th Korean Wangwi, league
Park Cheongsang 3p Cho Hanseung 6p W+R
  [2003-04-21]  34th Korean Myeongin, league
Lee Sedol 6p Yun Hyunseok 7p W+0.5
  [2003-04-21]  8th Korean Chunwon, round 1
Yoo Changhyuk 9p Park Yeonghun 4p W+R
  [2003-04-21]  37th Korean Paewang, semi-final
Lee Changho 9p An Dalhun 5p B+6.5
  [2003-04-20]  51st Japanese NHK Cup, round 1
Kobayashi Satoru 9p Kubo Katsuaki 9p B+R
  [2003-04-20]  10th Chinese Xinren Wang, final 2
Hu Yaoyu 7p Kong Jie 7p W+R
  [2003-04-20]  1st Japanese JAL Super HayaGo, round 1
Yamashita Keigo 9p Yokota Shigeaki 9p B+R
  [2003-04-20]  2nd Taiwan Tianyuan, final 1
Chen Yongan 5p Lin Zhihan 3p W+R
  [2003-04-19]  10th Chinese Xinren Wang, final 1
Kong Jie 7p Hu Yaoyu 7p B+R
  [2003-04-19]  2nd Korean KT Cup, final 2
Lee Sedol 6p Yoo Changhyuk 9p W+R
  [2003-04-17]  14th Korean Kiseong, title match #5
Lee Changho 9p Cho Hunhyun 9p B+8.5
  [2003-04-17]  41st Japanese Judan, title match #4
Takao Shinji 8p O Rissei 9p B+1.5
  [2003-04-17]  5th Chinese League A, round 2
Chen Yaoye 3p Duan Rong 7p B+R
  [2003-04-17]  5th Chinese League A, round 2
Zhang Wendong 9p Ding Wei 8p B+1.5
  [2003-04-17]  5th Chinese League A, round 2
Wang Yao 5p Wang Yang 5p B+R
  [2003-04-17]  37th Korean Wangwi, league
Cho Hanseung 5p An Joyeong 7p W+5.5
  [2003-04-17]  37th Korean Wangwi, league
Lee Sedol 6p Kim Juho 3p B+R
  [2003-04-17]  5th Chinese League A, round 2
Chang Hao 9p Zhang Xin 5p B+R
  [2003-04-17]  5th Chinese League A, round 2
Fang Jie 7p Kong Jie 7p W+R
  [2003-04-17]  28th Japanese Meijin, league
Cho U 8p O Meien 9p B+3.5
  [2003-04-17]  28th Japanese Meijin, league
Cho Chikun 9p Yamashita Keigo 9p W+R
  [2003-04-17]  42nd Japanese Judan, preliminary
Kobayashi Izumi 5p Cho Sonjin 9p B+R
  [2003-04-17]  29th Japanese Tengen, round 2
So Yokoku 7p Kobayashi Satoru 9p W+R
  [2003-04-17]  28th Japanese Gosei, semi-final
Hane Naoki 9p Akiyama Jiro 8p W+0.5
  [2003-04-17]  5th Chinese League A, round 2
Zhao Xinghua 3p Zhao Zhelun 3p W+R
  [2003-04-16]  15th Korean Kiseong, preliminary
Alexander Dinerchtein 1p Svetlana Shikshina 1p B+R
  [2003-04-16]  22nd Korean KBS Cup, winner section round 2
Jiang Zhujiu 9p Kim Mansoo 4p B+R
  [2003-04-16]  22nd Korean KBS Cup, loser section round 1
Kim Seungjun 8p Seo Nungwuk 9p B+1.5
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