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You are viewing 830 games of year 1988.

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  Game Date and Game Description
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  [1988-03-10]  14th Japanese Tengen, round 1
Ko Mosei 7p Ogata Masaki 6p W+R
  [1988-03-10]  14th Japanese Tengen, round 1
Yamashiro Hiroshi 9p Yukawa Mitsuhisa 6p W+2.5
  [1988-03-10]  22nd Korean Wangwi, challenger play-off
Seo Nungwuk 8p Oh Kyuchul 2p W+2.5
  [1988-03-10]  36th Japanese Oza, round 1
Takagi Shoichi 9p Awaji Shuzo 9p W+R
  [1988-03-10]  13th Japanese Meijin, league
Takemiya Masaki 9p Cho Chikun 9p W+R
  [1988-03-07]  5th Korean Bacchus Cup, round 2
Kim In 9p Cho Hunhyun 9p W+12.5
  [1988-03-06]  18th Japanese Shinei Tournament, semi-final
Yoda Norimoto 7p Aoki Shinichi 5p B+6.5
  [1988-03-06]  35th Japanese NHK Cup, semi-final
Sugiuchi Masao 9p Kato Masao 9p W+R
  [1988-03-06]  1st Chinese Mingren, title match #3
Yu Bin 7p Liu Xiaoguang 8p W+R
  [1988-03-05]  3rd Japanese NEC Shunei, final
Aoki Shinichi 5p Yoda Norimoto 7p B+R
  [1988-03-05]  7th Japanese NEC Cup, final
Ishida Yoshio 9p Cho Chikun 9p B+R
  [1988-03-04]  19th Korean Myeongin, round 1
Seo Nungwuk 8p Hwang Weonjun 5p W+4.5
  [1988-03-04]  1st Chinese Mingren, title match #2
Liu Xiaoguang 8p Yu Bin 7p B+R
  [1988-03-03]  14th Japanese Tengen, round 1
Hikosaka Naoto 7p Kobayashi Satoru 9p W+3.5
  [1988-03-03]  14th Japanese Tengen, round 1
Fukui Masaaki 8p Tokimoto Hajime 8p W+R
  [1988-03-03]  14th Japanese Tengen, round 1
Michael Redmond 5p Sonoda Yuichi 9p W+4.5
  [1988-03-03]  29th Japanese Okan, round 2
Iwata Tatsuaki 9p Matsuoka Hideki 2p B+R
  [1988-03-03]  5th Korean Taewang, title match #3
Cho Hunhyun 9p Seo Bongsoo 9p B+1.5
  [1988-03-03]  22nd Korean Wangwi, league
Kim Soojang 7p Oh Kyuchul 2p W+R
  [1988-03-03]  36th Japanese Oza, round 1
Takemiya Masaki 9p Ishida Yoshio 9p B+1.5
  [1988-03-03]  43rd Japanese Honinbo, league
Otake Hideo 9p Yamashiro Hiroshi 9p B+R
  [1988-03-03]  13th Japanese Gosei, round 2
Aragaki Takeshi 7p Kobayashi Koichi 9p W+5.5
  [1988-03-03]  13th Japanese Meijin, league
Rin Kaiho 9p Ohira Shuzo 9p B+R
  [1988-03-03]  26th Japanese Judan, title match #1
Cho Chikun 9p Kato Masao 9p B+R
  [1988-03-02]  13th Japanese Kisei, 4 dan group final
Yamada Wakio 4p Katayama Yasuo 4p B+R
  [1988-03-02]  13th Japanese Kisei, 3 dan group final
Shimada Yoshikuni 3p Fujisawa Kazunari 3p B+R
  [1988-03-02]  1st Chinese Mingren, title match #1
Yu Bin 7p Liu Xiaoguang 8p B+1.5
  [1988-02-28]  35th Japanese NHK Cup, round 4
Sakata Eio 9p O Rissei 8p W+T
  [1988-02-27]  3rd Japanese NEC Shunei, semi-final
Ito Yoji 6p Aoki Shinichi 5p W+R
  [1988-02-27]  7th Japanese NEC Cup, semi-final
Ishida Yoshio 9p O Rissei 8p B+10.5
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