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You are viewing 830 games of year 1988.

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  Game Date and Game Description
Black White Result Replay Download Print
  [1988-09-29]  13th Japanese Kisei, round 2
Yoda Norimoto 7p Takemiya Masaki 9p W+9.5
  [1988-09-29]  14th Japanese Gosei, round 1
Hashimoto Shoji 9p Enda Hideki 5p B+2.5
  [1988-09-29]  14th Japanese Gosei, round 1
Hane Yasumasa 9p Tono Hiroaki 9p B+R
  [1988-09-29]  14th Japanese Gosei, round 1
Imamura Yoshiaki 5p Ohira Shuzo 9p W+R
  [1988-09-28]  14th Japanese Gosei, round 1
Yasuda Yasutoshi 6p Yokota Shigeaki 6p W+R
  [1988-09-28]  13th Japanese Meijin, title match #3
Kato Masao 9p Kobayashi Koichi 9p W+2.5
  [1988-09-25]  36th Japanese NHK Cup, round 2
Yoda Norimoto 7p Imamura Toshiya 8p W+R
  [1988-09-23]  4th Japanese NEC Shunei, round 2
Hidaka Toshiyuki 6p Onda Yasuhiko 5p B+R
  [1988-09-23]  32nd Korean Kuksu, winner section final
Cho Hunhyun 9p Seo Nungwuk 8p B+4.5
  [1988-09-23]  8th Japanese NEC Cup, round 2
Rin Kaiho 9p Otake Hideo 9p W+2.5
  [1988-09-22]  1st Japanese Female Meijin, preliminary
Sugiuchi Kazuko 8p Kobayashi Reiko 6p B+T
  [1988-09-22]  27th Japanese Judan, loser section round 2
Takemiya Masaki 9p O Rissei 9p B+R
  [1988-09-22]  13th Japanese Kisei, round 2
Sakata Eio 9p Kamimura Haruo 9p B+R
  [1988-09-22]  14th Japanese Gosei, round 1
Yuki Satoshi 5p Cho Chikun 9p W+R
  [1988-09-22]  14th Japanese Gosei, round 1
Fukui Masaaki 8p Chino Tadahiko 9p W+R
  [1988-09-21]  24th Korean Paewang, round 1
Seo Bongsoo 9p Yun Kihyeon 9p B+1.5
  [1988-09-20]  23rd Korean Wangwi, league
Seo Nungwuk 8p Kim Soojang 7p W+15.5
  [1988-09-20]  23rd Korean Wangwi, league
Jeong Suhyeon 6p Lee Jooyong 6p B+7.5
  [1988-09-20]  13th Japanese Meijin, title match #2
Kobayashi Koichi 9p Kato Masao 9p B+R
  [1988-09-19]  28th Korean Choegowi, winner section round 2
Seo Bongsoo 9p Chang Suyeong 8p B+0.5
  [1988-09-19]  28th Korean Choegowi, winner section round 2
Lee Changho 2p Hwang Weonjun 6p B+R
  [1988-09-18]  21st Japanese Hayago Championship, semi-final
Sonoda Yuichi 9p Kato Masao 9p W+R
  [1988-09-18]  36th Japanese NHK Cup, round 2
Rin Kaiho 9p Kataoka Satoshi 8p B+7.5
  [1988-09-15]  14th Japanese Tengen, round 3
Takemiya Masaki 9p Kobayashi Koichi 9p B+R
  [1988-09-15]  29th Japanese Okan, semi-final
Iwata Tatsuaki 9p Ogata Masaki 7p W+R
  [1988-09-15]  24th Korean Paewang, round 1
Heo Janghoi 6p Kang Hun 7p B+0.5
  [1988-09-15]  13th Japanese Kisei, round 2
Cho Chikun 9p Ohira Shuzo 9p B+R
  [1988-09-15]  13th Japanese Kisei, round 2
Rin Kaiho 9p Kato Masao 9p W+0.5
  [1988-09-14]  7th Japanese Female Honinbo, semi-final
Aoki Kikuyo 2p Miyazaki Shimako 2p B+R
  [1988-09-14]  1st Japanese Female Meijin, preliminary
Honda Sachiko 6p Ogawa Tomoko 4p W+2.5
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