Tournament Score Chart
69th Japanese Honinbo, League
Players | T. S. | Y. K. | C. U. | Y. S. | K. R. | S. H. | I. A. | Y. Z. | Scores |
Takao Shinji | - | X | X | X | X | B+R 13-11-07 |
X | X | 1-6 |
Yamashita Keigo | W+R 13-10-24 |
- | B+R 13-11-07 |
W+R 13-12-26 |
B+1.5 14-02-13 |
W+R 14-03-07 |
X | W+R 14-01-23 |
6-1 |
Cho U | B+3.5 14-03-13 |
X | - | X | W+0.5 14-01-16 |
B+R 13-10-31 |
W+0.5 13-12-19 |
X | 4-3 |
Yuki Satoshi | W+1.5 14-02-24 |
X | W+F 14-04-03 |
- | X | X | X | W+R 14-03-24 |
3-4 |
Kono Rin | B+R 13-12-12 |
X | X | W+R 13-10-17 |
- | B+3.5 14-04-03 |
X | B+R 13-11-07 |
4-3 |
Sakai Hideyuki | X | X | X | B+R 14-01-16 |
X | - | X | X | 1-6 |
Ida Atsushi | B+0.5 14-01-09 |
W+0.5 14-04-03 |
X | W+R 13-11-14 |
B+R 14-03-06 |
W+5.5 14-02-13 |
- | B+2.5 13-10-24 |
6-1 |
Yu Zhengqi | W+4.5 14-04-03 |
X | W+R 14-02-20 |
X | X | B+3.5 13-12-19 |
X | - | 3-4 |
†In a strange incident, Cho U forfeited his league game against Yuki Satoshi. Cho U is associated with Tokyo-based Nihon Kiin. Yuki Satoshi is associated with Osaka-based Kansai Kiin. In Japan traditionally if the two players are based in different cities, the lower-ranked player needs to travel to meet the higher-ranked player. Cho has been the higher-ranked player for quite a while so he probably did not realise he needed to travel. He had to give a public apology in the Weekly Go Magazine.
Last updated: 8 years 2 months ago.