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Games played by Lee Ishu
Total: 181; won: 88; winning percentage: 48.6%

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  Game Date and Game Description
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  [2018-03-08]  66th Japanese Oza, preliminary
Rin Shien 8p Lee Ishu 8p B+R
  [2018-02-05]  5th Championship of Tournament Winners, round 1
Ida Atsushi 8p Lee Ishu 8p B+R
  [2018-02-01]  66th Japanese Oza, preliminary
Lee Ishu 8p Ida Atsushi 8p B+1.5
  [2017-11-26]  12th Hiroshima Aluminum Cup, final
Lee Ishu 7p Yao Zhiteng 4p B+3.5
  [2017-11-26]  12th Hiroshima Aluminum Cup, semi-final
Lee Ishu 7p Adachi Toshimasa 4p B+R
  [2017-11-25]  12th Hiroshima Aluminum Cup, round 2
Lee Ishu 7p Shida Tatsuya 7p B+6.5
  [2017-11-25]  12th Hiroshima Aluminum Cup, round 1
Lee Ishu 8p Hoshiai Shiho 2p B+R
  [2017-10-15]  4th Okage Cup World New Star Competition, 3,4 place decision
Lee Ishu 7p Xu Haohong 3p W+4.5
  [2017-10-15]  4th Okage Cup World New Star Competition, round 3
Lee Ishu 7p Li Xuanhao 7p W+R
  [2017-10-14]  4th Okage Cup World New Star Competition, round 2
Han Taehee 6p Lee Ishu 7p B+R
  [2017-10-14]  4th Okage Cup World New Star Competition, round 1
Lee Ishu 7p Wang Yuanjun 8p W+R
  [2017-09-28]  44th Japanese Tengen, preliminary
Lee Ishu 7p Kobayashi Koichi 9p W+R
  [2017-09-11]  27th Japanese Ryusei, group B
Lee Ishu 7p Hsu Chiayuan 7p W+R
  [2017-08-31]  43rd Japanese Gosei, preliminary
Ryu Shikun 9p Lee Ishu 7p B+R
  [2017-08-14]  42nd Japanese Kisei, league B2
Lee Ishu 7p Rin Kanketsu 7p B+R
  [2017-07-20]  42nd Japanese Kisei, league B2
Lee Ishu 7p O Meien 9p B+2.5
  [2017-06-22]  42nd Japanese Kisei, league B2
Lee Ishu 7p Kobayashi Satoru 9p W+R
  [2017-05-15]  8th Japanese Okage Cup, final
Lee Ishu 7p Murakawa Daisuke 8p W+R
  [2017-05-15]  8th Japanese Okage Cup, semi-final
Onishi Ryuhei 2p Lee Ishu 7p W+6.5
  [2017-04-27]  43rd Japanese Tengen, round 2
Takei Takashi 7p Lee Ishu 7p B+R
  [2017-03-02]  65th Japanese Oza, preliminary
Lee Ishu 7p Rin Kanketsu 7p W+0.5
  [2017-02-16]  43rd Japanese Tengen, round 1
Lee Ishu 7p O Meien 9p B+R
  [2017-01-12]  43rd Japanese Tengen
Lee Ishu 7p Wu Baiyi 4p B+R
  [2016-10-27]  43rd Japanese Tengen, preliminary
Yoda Norimoto 9p Lee Ishu 7p W+R
  [2016-10-06]  65th Japanese Oza, preliminary
Lee Ishu 7p Ishida Yoshio 9p B+7.5
  [2016-09-15]  41st Japanese Kisei, league C
Lee Ishu 7p Shida Tatsuya 7p W+R
  [2016-01-27]  7th Japanese Okage Cup, preliminary
Otani Naoki 1p Lee Ishu 7p W+8.5
  [2016-01-27]  7th Japanese Okage Cup, preliminary
Yanagisawa Satoshi 4p Lee Ishu 7p W+R
  [2015-12-17]  42nd Japanese Tengen, round 1
Kono Rin 9p Lee Ishu 7p B+R
  [2015-12-10]  64th Japanese Oza, preliminary
Yamashita Keigo 9p Lee Ishu 7p B+R
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