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  Game Date and Game Description
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  [2002-04-25]  4th Chinese League A, round 4
Zhou Heyang 9p Park Seungcheol 2p B+3.5
  [2002-04-25]  4th Chinese League A, round 4
Chang Hao 9p Lin Feng 4p B+R
  [2002-04-25]  28th Japanese Tengen, round 1
Cho Sonjin 9p Otake Hideo 9p B+0.5
  [2002-04-25]  Year 2002 Chinese League B, round 7
Li Huasong 4p Zhou Kui 1p W+R
  [2002-04-25]  18th Japanese NEC Shunei, round 1
Cho Riyu 5p Takei Takashi 5p W+R
  [2002-04-25]  4th Chinese League A, round 4
Nie Weiping 9p Gu Li 7p W+16.5
  [2002-04-25]  4th Chinese League A, round 4
Cho Hunhyun 9p Cao Dayuan 9p B+R
  [2002-04-25]  Year 2002 Chinese League B
Lin Chaohua 6p Zhang Xin 5p B+R
  [2002-04-25]  Year 2002 Chinese League B
Zhong Wenjing 1p Zhang Weijin 3p B+7.5
  [2002-04-25]  Year 2002 Chinese National Team Championships
Zhang Xuan 8p Cui Ning 1p B+R
  [2002-04-24]  12th Korean Shinin-Wang (Old), final 2
Lee Sedol 3p Kim Myeongwan 6p B+R
  [2002-04-24]  21st Korean KBS Cup, loser section round 1
Kim Kangkeun 4p Lee Sanghun (b) 7p W+2.5
  [2002-04-24]  18th Japanese NEC Shunei, round 1
Matsumoto Takehisa 5p Kono Rin 6p B+3.5
  [2002-04-23]  14th Chinese CCTV Cup, final
Ma Xiaochun 9p Ding Wei 8p B+R
  [2002-04-22]  36th Korean Paewang, final 1
Lee Changho 9p An Joyeong 7p B+0.5
  [2002-04-22]  14th Chinese CCTV Cup, semi-final
Gu Li 7p Ding Wei 8p W+R
  [2002-04-22]  14th Chinese CCTV Cup, semi-final
Ma Xiaochun 9p Kong Jie 6p B+5.5
  [2002-04-21]  50th Japanese NHK Cup, round 1
Oya Koichi 9p Chin Kaei 9p W+2.5
  [2002-04-21]   Sakai Hideyuki Special 12-game Match, game 7
Kato Atsushi 8p Sakai Hideyuki 5p B+0.5
  [2002-04-21]  35th Japanese Hayago Championship, round 1
Ryu Shikun 7p Yuki Satoshi 9p W+R
  [2002-04-21]  1st Kansai Female Tournament, round 2
Inoue Ayako 2p Izawa Akino 3p W+R
  [2002-04-20]  33rd Korean Myeongin, league
An Joyeong 7p Cho Hunhyun 9p B+0.5
  [2002-04-19]  36th Korean Wangwi, league
Lee Sedol 3p Cho Hanseung 5p W+R
  [2002-04-19]  36th Korean Wangwi, league
An Younggil 4p Lee Hyeonwuk 4p W+R
  [2002-04-19]  Year 2002 Chinese League B
Yang Shihai 8p Ma Xiaobing 2p W+R
  [2002-04-19]  Year 2002 Chinese National Team Championships
Hua Xueming 7p Zhang Xuan 8p W+R
  [2002-04-19]  Year 2002 Chinese National Team Championships
Ye Gui 5p Xu Ying 5p B+1.5
  [2002-04-18]  40th Japanese Judan, title match #4
O Rissei 9p Takemiya Masaki 9p W+1.5
  [2002-04-18]  45th Korean Kuksu, title match #3
Cho Hunhyun 9p Lee Changho 9p W+R
  [2002-04-18]  4th Chinese League A, round 3
Zhang Wendong 9p Xie He 4p W+R
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